Community Service

High school students at Cathedral Academy are required to provide 10 hours of community service per school year. If you did not fulfill these requirements last school year, you must make up the missing hours this year in addition to your ten new hours for the current school year.

Believe it or not, service can be tons of fun! It’s a great way to get to know other people. You can bring your friends or even your family along to help out. You will gain an appreciation for those involved in service work, and you will experience what Christ meant by being a servant-leader.

We would like to make this process as simple as possible for you. All you need to do is fill out the Community Service Record Form (linked on our School & Athletic Forms page) when you have a service project in mind. Once you have approval from the Administration, take the form with you to the project. At the end of your service time, have an adult supervisor sign the form and fill in the hours worked. Then sign the form and give to the guidance counselor. You must complete a separate form each time you volunteer.

There are plenty of opportunities available for you ranging from right here on campus to many places around the Charleston area. Whatever you do, just don’t forget to get approval and turn in your hours!