The Cathedral Academy seal contains several elements representing key aspects of our school.
At the center of the seal, the Open Bible illustrates our commitment to abide in the Word of God. A bookmark flows from the Word, surrounding and touching other elements of the seal, just as the Bible is our bedrock and our sustaining fiber. A Circling Banner reminds us of the path of righteousness – a journey rooted in and flowing from the Bible. The students will carry The Word of God in their hearts as they travel on their life’s course being steered by The Holy Spirit.
The Arrows and Earth represent that through Kingdom Education our students carry the Gospel in their hearts and are launched like arrows beyond the school to impact the world for Jesus Christ.
The upper left section depicts the History of our Unique Property – Windsor Hill Plantation. General William Moultrie used a fort made of Palmetto logs to fend off three British ships in 1776. Windsor Hill is the location of his home, and he was interred there. The stars on the crest represent the stars of a General.
The Laurel Leaves represent Peace, much like an olive branch.
The Shield shape reminds us to carry the shield of Faith as we wear the Full Armour of God to boldly withstand spiritual warfare. The arrows remind us of this battle as well.
The Roping (on the small crest) represents the weaving of family and school. As a team, we work together to accomplish our common goal: to instill the next generation with Godly character and Christ likeness so that they may influence those after them for generations to come.
The Compass and Torch link the past and the future together. The compass shows the direction we are traveling and from where we have come. We are passing the torch on to future generations who will depend on The Holy Spirit as their Compass. Also, the fleur-de-lis shape of the torch’s flame represents Royalty – our Christian Inheritance.
The School Colors, Blue and Yellow, stand for Truth and Loyalty.