Job Opportunities

Cathedral Academy is an evangelical Christian school in North Charleston, SC. CA is celebrating its 25th year as an educational ministry of Cathedral, a large interdenominational church.

Our school mission and vision is to partner with families in our area for the sake of Kingdom Education. CA is fully accredited by ACSI, AdvanceEd, and the South Carolina Independent School Association and serves 375+ students in grades K4-12.

2025-26 Teacher Positions

CA is accepting applications for Teacher positions for the 2025-2026 school year.

Interested candidates should complete an application form and deliver it to the school office, or email it to Cindy Inabnett at

CA Application Form (Save these forms to your computer and open them with Adobe Reader or another standalone PDF reader. If opened inside a browser, you will not be able to save or print the information that is entered on the form).
Employer / Supervisor Reference Form (*required)
Personal Reference Form (*required)

Substitute Teacher Positions

CA is currently accepting applications for multiple Substitute Teacher positions for the 2025-2026 school year.

Interested candidates should complete an application form and deliver it to the school office, or email it to Cindy Inabnett at

Substitute Application Form  (Save these forms to your computer and open them with Adobe Reader or another standalone PDF reader. If opened inside a browser, you will not be able to save or print the information that is entered on the form).
Employer / Supervisor Reference Form (*required)
Personal Reference Form (*required)

Before and After School Program & Summer Camp/SummerQuest

CA is currently accepting applications for positions in the before and after school program for the 2025-2026 school year, as well as for SummerQuest.

Interested candidates should complete an application form and deliver it to the school office, or email it to Cindy Inabnett at

GAP/SummerQuest Application Form (Save these forms to your computer and open them with Adobe Reader or another standalone PDF reader. If opened inside a browser, you will not be able to save or print the information that is entered on the form).
Employer / Supervisor Reference Form (*required)
Personal Reference Form (*required)