Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance is need-based financial aid, administered and funded by Cathedral Academy. The assistance amounts are based on the family income, expenses, and the overall financial situation with consideration given to individual financial factors. Qualification for Tuition Assistance is also dependent on the Family’s cooperation and agreement with our school policies and procedures, including conduct standards for students, a commitment to meeting financial obligations, and a strong partnering relationship between the school and the parents that includes Biblical standards of integrity and Christian lifestyle. CA reserves the right to adjust or terminate Tuition Assistance grants based on these criteria. Awards are granted on a yearly basis and must be applied for each school year. In order to be considered for financial assistance for the next year, families must not have a delinquent balance.
Tuition Assistance is only available for full-time students in K5 – Grade 12 and may not be available for new students in grades that are at or near capacity. TA grants are approved by the Tuition Assistance Committee in order to ensure objectivity and balance in the awarding process. The non-financial qualifications of the families are evaluated by input from the administration, Finance Office, and the Admissions Office.
Because CA desires to provide assistance to as many families as possible, Tuition Assistance grants are generally limited to no more than 50% of a family’s total tuition cost.
The application and reward process for need-based tuition assistance is as follows:
- Parents apply for tuition assistance with a third party, FACTS Tuition Aid. There is a $35 non-refundable application fee.
- In order to process a tuition assistance application, FACTS requires that the family submit:
— Completed tax return for the prior year
— Copies of each parent’s W-2 forms
- After the FACTS application review, CA is notified of the amount of qualified need toward the total tuition bill (of all students) for the family.
- The qualifying amount is reviewed, and an assistance amount is determined based upon a combination of factors, including: the amount qualified for, the amount of assistance dollars available, the academic effort put forth by the student, the conduct and attitude of the student, and the level of cooperation and commitment to Kingdom Education on the part of the parents.
- A Tuition Assistance Agreement must be signed by the parents confirming their agreement and acceptance of the Tuition Assistance policies and accepting responsibility for tuition and other fees not covered by the grant.